– EN –
Recently relocated from rue Haute, Aksum is the place in Brussels for fresh Ethiopian coffee, roasted on their premises. Their coffee is all organically grown and made from single origin beans but there’s more to it than just great coffee! Try their African fair trade drinks: Senegalese herbal teas, healthy baobab drinks, soft drinks from Cotte d’Ivoire, South African wine and Ethiopian beer, for instance. Cakes are made in a small local bakery while by September Aksum will also be serving breakfast!
To keep it short, they’ve created a great coffee artspace hosting various exhibitions; next to follow is the Senegalese artist Moussa Sakho, since Aksum keeps close bonds to Senegal and art. Note that WaawSenegal organization is also part of their empire! What may be even more interesting is that they also plan to host coffee tasting events and coffee making classes! What else? For those of you for whom a shot of the Ethiopian brew is not enough, Aksum occasionally arranges tours in Africa!
Check out how they describe their a typical Ethiopian coffee ceremony!
Coffee ceremony In Ethiopia, drinking coffee involves an elaborate ceremony which is a feast for all senses. Dont be in a hurry it can take hours. The ceremony is an integral part of Ethiopian culture and offers an excellent opportunity of showing hospitality. Coffee is served to friends and family members both on festive occasions and as an everyday treat. Children are also allowed to take part. Fresh grass and flowers are strewn on the floor. The green coffee beans are washed, after which they are roasted on a coal stove. Every participant is invited to sniff the fragrance of the roasted beans before they are grinded. The grinding is traditionally done in a wooden mortar, after which the coffee is brewed in a round, ceramic jebena coffee pot. Usually, you are supposed to consume at least three cups. Cardamom or ginger is sometimes mixed in at the preparation stage, and sugar, salt and butter may be added before drinking. It is served with snacks such as pop corn, roasted barley or peanuts. Incense is always burned during the ceremony. Now you should be really convinced that Aksum means coffee!– GR –
Θα το γνωρίσατε στην rue Haute, σήμερα όμως έχει αλλάξει γειτονιά. Το Aksum είναι το μέρος σου στις Βρυξέλλες για φρέσκο Αιθιοπικό καφέ που ψήνεται εκεί. Όλοι οι καφέδες του είναι βιολογικής καλλιέργειας και προέρχονται από μοναδικούς κόκκους. Δεν προσφέρει όμως μόνο εξαιρετικό καφέ! Δοκιμάστε ποτά fair trade από την Αφρική: τσάγια και βοτάνα Σενεγάλης, υγιεινά ποτά Baobab, αναψυκτικά από την Ακτή Ελεφαντοστού, κρασί Νότιας Αφρικής και μπίρα Αιθιοπίας! Τα κέικ που θα δοκιμάσεις παράγονται σε ένα μικρό τοπικό φούρνο, ενώ από τον Σεπτέμβριο το Aksum θα σερβίρει και πρωινό!
Με λίγα λόγια, έχουν δημιουργήσει ένα μεγάλο artspace καφέ που φιλοξενεί διάφορες εκθέσεις. Η επόμενη έκθεση που ίσως πετύχεις είναι του Σενεγαλέζου καλλιτέχνη Moussa Sakho. Σημείωσε πως το Aksum διατηρεί στενούς δεσμούς με τη Σενεγάλη και την τέχνη καθώς η οργάνωση WaawSenegal είναι επίσης μέρος της αυτοκρατορίας τους! Ακόμη πιο ενδιαφέρον είναι ότι σχεδιάζουν να φιλοξενήσουν εκδηλώσεις γευσιγνωσίας καφέ αλλά να παραδώσουν και μαθήματα καφέ! Τι άλλο; Για όσους από εσάς για δεν αρκεί αυτή η δόση Αιθιοπίας, το Aksum οργανώνει κατά καιρούς ταξιδάκια στην Αφρική!
Location: Rue des Éperonniers, 1000 Brussels, Belgium
Timetable: Tuesday to Sunday 10:00-19:00
Telephone: +32 251 12 304, +32 484 077695
Tags: africa african aksum art artspace baobab bean bond brew ceremony close coffee Drink Eat empire ethiopia ethiopian event exhibition fair grow herbal host ivoire making moussa organic organization origin sakho senegal south tasting tea tour trade waawsenegal